
First Casino in the World: Ridotto

The concept of the casino has evolved over the centuries, transforming from modest gambling houses to the opulent establishments we recognize today. The roots of these institutions can be traced back to Venice, Italy, to the world’s first official casino: Ridotto.

Amid the vibrant streets of Venice in 1638, the Ridotto opened its doors as the first government-sanctioned gambling house. Though it wasn’t a ‘casino’ in our modern sense, Ridotto set the stage for the future of gaming establishments.

History of the Existence, Development, and Decline of Ridotto

Initially established by the Venetian government to manage and control gambling during the annual carnival season, Ridotto flourished in popularity. Its unique existence was a result of combining public interest with state oversight, ensuring a regulated environment for gambling.

However, as with all popular venues, Ridotto faced its share of challenges. By the 18th century, voices arose against its operations. These critics, many of them from the upper echelons of society, saw the establishment as a vice that preyed on the city’s vulnerable populace.

Players Casino Ridotto

Ridotto wasn’t open to just anyone. While it did provide a regulated environment, it was primarily an establishment for the elite. Patrons needed to be affluent, and men were required to wear three-cornered hats and masks, ensuring a degree of anonymity. Women, although not as frequent visitors, had their own set of attire standards, often dictated by fashion and status. In today’s realities, everything is simpler, there is no need to dress up in order to play at Solverde casino, a mobile phone is enough.

 Amazing Casino Ridotto


Guests at Ridotto were entertained with a variety of games. Primarily, they enjoyed ‘Biribi’, a lottery-like game, and ‘Bassetta’, a card game. Both games, rooted deeply in Venetian culture, drew many enthusiasts. Their simplicity and the allure of big winnings made them favorites among the patrons. The variety of gambling games in the old days cannot be compared with the abundance of games at Solverde casino, where there are more than 300 slots.

Origin of the Name “Ridotto”

The name “Ridotto” stems from the Italian word meaning “reduced” or “private”. It was a fitting name, as the establishment was designed to offer a more private and regulated gambling environment in contrast to the uncontrolled gambling taking place in the city’s streets.

Closing of the Venetian Casino

Despite its popularity, the moral and social implications of gambling led to the Ridotto’s downfall. In 1774, under the rule of Doge Pietro Loredan, the casino was closed down. The government, swayed by the arguments of its critics, deemed that the establishment was harmful to the local community.


The Ridotto, while short-lived in the grand scheme of history, set a precedent for the world of gambling. Its existence tells a tale of a society trying to balance leisure with regulation, a challenge that continues to this day. An exact copy of Ridotto is the online Solverde casino. As the progenitor of modern casinos, Ridotto’s legacy remains significant, serving as a poignant reminder of the rich tapestry of gambling history.